Loss of words!

Aphasia!! Yeah… no, a part of aphasia. I don’t know. I am seriously at loss of words. My ability to think, think good has been missing and I’m so eager to find it. The things now-a-days have started going so practical, there is no room for feelings. Even the feelings shown, have to pass through a ‘series of filters’. Filters!!! Yeah, I know most of us have faced this time and again or we ourselves have been doing it.

For instance, you want to express some feelings or opinions to someone, you want to confide in or confess badly. The moment you decide what you have to say, you make it pass through the ‘series of filters’. If you use ‘this’ particular word, the influence is different, if you use ‘that’ one, you fear to be misunderstood.

Every word you say, you need to weigh the pros and cons of consequences of the usage. Then comes the tone, it does play a significant role in the expected communication. You need to be wary of your partner in this task. Okay, though some things seem legitimate here, most of the others are just fillers. You use them, just to fill the gap of understanding. So, it has to be a real good blend of fillers and filters. Oh Lord, it’s really tough to decide.

Image credit : http://www.thewatchdogonline.com/

How do you decide how to decide!? What do you say? How do you say? Whom do you say?

Everything matters a hell lot. But realizing how it impacts the true feelings, we seldom get any chances to be pure at heart. There is no place for purity of thoughts in the practical world.

Everything you say will be weighed on these several factors and then interpreted… as if it remains intact! The way it should have been conveyed goes farsighted! That’s why I’m being a part of this confusion. You need to think a lot before you speak, which really ruin the true feelings in most of the cases.

It is said, “Think before you speak”. I fear it has become, “Keep thinking, else speak something else”.

14 responses to “Loss of words!

  1. Tapish: try not to worry about what others will understand, how they may misunderstand, or interpret what you say… Only by being true to your own feelings, your own ideas, who you are and express it you will know whom your friends should be. In a working environment you must be a little more cautious and distant, and it is not so pleasant sometime (in which case start looking for another job… I know : easier said than done, but if you stay ready, it will happen).
    In your personal life do not EVER compromise your integrity by doing “fillers and filters” in your words and actions just so that others will be pleased. Instead FILTER OUT and AWAY those people with whom you have to “impersonate somebody” and not be yourself. Integrity to your own self is the most important strength that you can use in life. And it will be handy at work too. Those that can respond in turn, and be themselves with you too, can be your lifelong friends. I speak out of 76 years of living experience !
    I thank you for reading this far. Vera

    • We can ignore the fact about others, but somewhere inside it pains you. Being true to yourself sometimes stands against you.
      Considering the fillers and filters in personal life, if you stay truthful, it pains them and in turn it pains to you, being emotionally attached to them.
      Integrity is no doubt the most important strength, but sometimes that gets weakened due to emotions.
      No Vera, it is really great looking at your experiences and it makes me glad to read long comments. It shows that someone out there considers you important enough to share one’s experiences.

      • Because you are very thoughtful, I take the time to tell
        you more . Don’t forget that there is a life time between us : I am 76 ! the experience of life changes with time. I also walked on eggs when I was young…

  2. SO EXACTLY my story! I can relate much to this!

    “For instance, you want to express some feelings or opinions to someone, you want to confide in or confess badly. The moment you decide what you have to say, you make it pass through the ‘series of filters’. If you use ‘this’ particular word, the influence is different, if you use ‘that’ one, you fear to be misunderstood.”

    A friend of mine remarks that I over-think. And that holds true for me. I do think A LOT. ‘If I say that, what meaning will they interpret? What will they will think? And why I shouldn’t be saying it and all the stuff that adds to my fears and confusions..

    But I know, and you do too, that if we think all the things others have to think, then our thinking will go useless. 🙂 In self-confidence lies success!

Your feedback really matters!!