Being Human: When Frenzy meets Insanity

Being Human: The need of the hour!

Being Human: Reality Bites

Even as the world remains shocked and horrified by the gunning down of 20 little children in Newtown, Connecticut, we need to turn some of that shock and horror toward our own selves. The gang rape in the capital of a paramedical student, who lies in critical condition in hospital, should more than just outrage us. Rape is not simply about law and order, or about deranged individuals. Nor is the problem going to be solved by more laws, more police on our streets, more CCTV cameras on our buses or stiffer sentences for rapists. The gang rapes that are occurring with alarming regularity must compel us to reflect upon who we are as a society.

Just like the killing of young innocents is forcing Americans to address the societal reasons for such violence and not just blame one individual, Indians need to understand that gang rape is not just an aberration committed by inhuman men. We need to address how we as a society are implicated in producing such appalling levels of violence against women, which is increasingly being tolerated and even normalised. As women enter the work place and the public arena, their boldness and confidence seem to trigger a sense of insecurity in a society where men are used to being in charge. While it is impossible to reduce the issue of violence to one sole cause, that is men, the fact remains that young men are the ones committing these crimes. These include the 2003 gang rape of a 17-year-old Delhi University student in Buddha Jayanti Park; the Dhaula Kuan gang rape in 2005 in a moving car of a student from Mizoram; and the 2010 gang rape of a young BPO employee from the north-east.

Read more here —> The Hindu.

33 responses to “Being Human: When Frenzy meets Insanity

  1. It felt wrong to press the ‘like’ symbol as I hated the story of ugly violence against women.
    Young women and men should be outraged and be out there protesting and reclaiming the streets!

  2. Violence especially rape is about “power and control” over another. Many of the perpetrators were once ” victims” at the hands of someone else usually a close relative and have never worked thru their own trauma. I am by no means condoning there horrific crimes or excusing them from legal prosecution but indicting the men of India seems injustice. Thank you for allowing me to share my opinion .

  3. Sadly, as these acts of violence gains wide attention, other perpetrators will quietly continue their attacks on the innocent. We need community involvement too. Dreadful events.

  4. Unfortunately a similar thing happened the other day here in Greece too…. An awful crime against a young lady who was raped and burned alive……….
    It’s unbelievable how humans could be capable for such crimes…….

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