One Lovely Blog Award

Wow! My birthday month is going great so far. Just received a nomination from Postcone for the One Lovely Blog Award.
I am really thankful to him, make sure that you check on his blog.

Now, for the rules to accept the award. There are a couple of them and you must be knowing them already. So here it goes:
1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog. (which I just did)
2. List seven random things about yourself. ( About Me )
3. Nominate fifteen other bloggers.

Congratulations to all of you! Cheers 🙂

26 responses to “One Lovely Blog Award

  1. Hey!! Thanks a lot for nominating me! I am sort of new to blogging and i started recently!! I really appreciate it and i really appreciate ur writings too! Have a great day!

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